PCSO Bettor Wins 6/49 Super Lotto Jackpot Prize, Here’s Update on Existing Grand Prizes…

Update on PCSO Lotto Jackpot Prizes

PCSO – A bettor of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office won the jackpot prize of the 6/49 Super Lotto.

In the Philippines, countless Filipinos are into playing the lottery games conducted by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office. More popularly called PCSO, it is in the service of the Filipino people for several decades now since 1934.

See UPDATED results for the following draws:

LOTTO RESULT Today, Tuesday, March 4, 2025 (updated 9PM)
EZ2 RESULT Today, Tuesday, March 4, 2025 (updated every 2PM, 5PM and 9PM)
SWERTRES RESULT Today, Tuesday, March 4, 2025 (updated every 2PM, 5PM and 9PM)

PCSO Bettor
Photo Credit: PTV News

The PCSO runs both minor and major lotto games. Its lotto games include the 2D Lotto or EZ2 Lotto, the 3D Lotto or the Swertres Lotto, the 4D Lotto, the 6D Lotto, the Lotto 6/42, the Mega Lotto 6/45, the Super Lotto 6/49, the Grand Lotto 6/55, and the Ultra Lotto 6/58.

Most of the minor lotto games of the PCSO got multiple draws every day. Among these are the 3D Lotto, the 2D Lotto, and the Small Town Lottery or STL games. With regards to the major lotto games, they have specific days for the draw as per the lotto draw schedule set by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office.

The major lotto games of the PCSO have multi-million jackpot prizes. Recently, another PCSO bettor won the 6/49 Super Lotto jackpot prize of Php 51,964,353.60. The solo bettor hit the winning combination which are composed of 40-18-07-06-24-27.

For the major lotto games, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office holds its draw at 9PM and it is aired live. Here are the current grand prizes of the major lotto games of the PCSO:

  • Ultra Lotto 6/58 — Php 49,500,000.00
  • Grand Lotto 6/55 — Php 35,517,504.80
  • Super Lotto 6/49yet to be posted…
  • Mega Lotto 6/45 — Php 21,499,665.60
  • Lotto 6/42 — Php 48,422,215.40

Are you a PCSO bettor? You might be the next one to win any of the afore-mentioned jackpot prizes. Truth be told that countless Filipinos are dreaming to win a major lotto game as it is really financially life-changing.

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